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Friday, February 28, 2014

Daily Exercises

Daily Exercises

I would rather be hurt by the truth than be comforted by a lie…because lies that we live by turns into the double edged Sword of Truth that stabs us in the back of our lazyboy chair. –Vincent Dunlap
The metaphoric reference of lazyboy chair is to show that lies make us lazy and blind to the truth.

Obesity is a fast growing disease which the pharmaceutical companies are getting disgustingly rich from. Does everyone like taking medications? One major remedy is exercise. Why is that such a problem to take care of ourselves? This is my list of exercises that I have compiled over 20 years since high school. I have used them weekly, and I have kept myself healthy.
Many people say they don’t have the time to exercise, but that is a lousy excuse to waste their time watching trash TV…but then again, almost all TV is trash. People say they don’t have the time because they have children…GET YOUR CHILDREN INVOLVED!!! I’ve heard “I exercise at work”…but standing in front of a register for 8 hours is no different than power walking for 20 minutes, which means that you don’t do SHIT!!! I hear “I’m too old”, but is more crap dripping from your lips. Age is irrelevant; it is how you take care of yourself through life.
Other excuses would be…
I’m over weight…
I don’t have time (without an excuse)…
I have a bad back (that’s your freaking fault for not doing your crunches)…
My body hurts (because all your tendons are tight, try stretching)…
…etcetera, etcetera, etcetera…

…but hey, it’s our choice. Die at 95 in your sleep peacefully…or die at 65 by a violent heart attack or a diabetic stroke…It’s all up to you.


Sitting Stretch: Sit with your back straight and your legs straight out in front of you side by side.  Bend at your waist forward touching your toes if possible.  At the same time, try to touch your forehead to your knees, or as close as possible.  Hold for set amount of time.

Standing Bend: Standing straight bend at your waist, and touch down as far as possible without bending your legs at the knees.  Hold for a set amount of time.

V-Stretch: Sit with your back straight and your legs straight, but spit to both sides as far as possible.  Bend at your waist to either side touching the toes of that foot at that time.  At the same time, try to touch your forehead to that knee in question.  After set amount of time, reverse to the other leg.  After doing both legs separately, spread both arms so both hands touch each foot (right hand, right foot; left hand, left foot).  Now dip down your forehead towards the floor in the center of the legs.  Hold for set amount of time.

L-Stretch: Sit with one leg straight and the other bent with the sole of the foot flat against the thigh of the straight leg and the heel against the groin.  Bend forward at the waist as far as possible with the hand for the straight leg holding the foot (right hand, right leg), and the hand for the bent leg holding down the knee against the floor for the bent leg.  Hold for set amount of time.  After done with one side, reverse to the other.  Hold for same amount of time.

The “Equal” Splits: Stand facing forward while “equally” splitting both feet to each side of the body as far as possible.  Hold for a set amount of time.

The “Forward” Splits: Stand completely straight with both feet together.  Shove one foot forward on its heel while shoving the other backward on its toes as far as possible.  Hold for set amount of time.  Once done with one side, reverse to other.  Hold for same amount of time.

The “Lean”: Stand straight with feet 40o apart.  Turn one foot perpendicular to the other.  Bend down on that foot while shoving the other “out” away, but not letting the sole of your foot come off the floor/ground.  Hold for set amount of time.  Once done with one side, reverse to other.  Hold for same amount of time.

The “Leg Cross”: Sit with your back straight and your legs together and straight.  Bring the right leg up so the knee is pressed against your chest.  Bring the foot over the “still” straight leg, and now brace your left shoulder against your right knee.  Turn towards your right side as much as possible.  Hold for set amount of time.  Once done with one side, reverse to other.  Hold for same amount of time.

Shoulder Stretch: Bring an arm up.  With opposite arm, grab elbow and push the arm in back of head towards the opposite side as far as possible.  Hold for set amount of time.  Once done with one side, reverse to other.  Hold for same amount of time.

Arm Circles: Stand straight with the hands at your thighs and the feet together.  Do large “forward” arm circles simultaneously for a set amount.  Reverse for the same amount.

Butter Fly: Sit down then fold up both legs with feet sole to sole.  Make sure heels are pointing and pulled towards the pelvis.  Hold this for set amount of time.

M-Stretch: Sit down with both legs bent backwards.  Slowly lay back with legs still bent backwards, and count to set amount of time.


Dumbbell Circuit: Start with 1 lb. or 3 lb. dumbbells, which ever feels comfortable to begin.
Grip dumbbells and hang arms to the sides in resting position.
In-Front: Raise arms 90 degrees extended straight out in front of your chest.
Out-Side: Swing arms 90 degrees, still extended, out to your sides.
In-Top: Still extended, swing arms 90 degrees up and in over your head.
Down-#: Bringing weights down in front of you, then spread out to your sides in resting position, recite the numeric circuit, example “down one”.
To start with, start with 10 circuits. A circuit basically is a circular journey from beginning to end. Doing 10 laps on a race track is doing 10 circuits.

Weighted Reversed Shoulder Circles: Standing with a straight back with arms at a 900 position (upper arms straight with body with lower arms pointing forward from body bottom side up), hold dumbbells in hands (3 lb. to start).

Triangular Push-ups: Get down on your hands and knees.  Form a triangle with your hands with tips of thumbs and tips of fore fingers touching.  Make sure the “triangle” is right below your sternum then “kick” out your feet behind you.  Do a set amount of push-ups in this way.

Crunches: Crunches is exercising the abdominal muscles in your torso.
Straight Crunches: Lying flat on your back, with legs together, lift your whole torso up, bending at 300 straight.
Cross Crunches: Lying flat on your back, have your left hand, palm flat with extended fingers, on the back of your head.  Place your right hand; palm flat with fingers together, on the small of your stomach/over the belly button.  Lift your whole torso up bending at 300 at the same time twisting towards the right until your left elbow is above your right hand or edge of your right side of the body. 
If you are willing to do 30 crunches like this, then do 5 one direction, as explained, then switch hands and twisting direction and do another 5.  Remember to do even sets to each side.
Thigh Crunches: Lying flat on your back with arms flat on both sides, with legs together, bring legs up to body bending at knees and thighs.

Jumping Jacks: Stand straight, with feet together, and hands pressed lightly against thighs.  To start, focus on an object straight in front of you.  Repetitiously, for a set amount, spread your legs 40o then bring them back together while simultaneously bringing your hands together over your head then back down to your thighs at a fast pace.

Butter Fly Kicks: Lay down with both arms straight at sides and both legs straight and parallel with each other.  Raise arms 150 degrees above floor and, with toes pointed out, legs 450 degrees above floor.  Kick with both legs at the same time in opposite directions going 300 degrees above and below 450 degrees.  Do this a set number of times.

Crab Stand: Lying on the back with the knees bent straight up and the feet 50o apart, bend the arms and hands backward until palms are flat against the floor.  Push up as far as possible in that position with the hands and legs.  Hold for a set amount of time.

Standing “Lean”: Stand straight with feet 40o apart.  Shift weight and control to one leg while straightening out the other, but still standing.  Hold for set amount of time, and then shift to other side for same amount of time. This lean is similar to the horse stance.

Knee Bend: Stand straight with feet together and hands at sides made into fists.  Bend at knees as far down as possible.  You are trying to accomplish bending at knees far enough to touch the floor with your knuckles, with your back still straight.  Do a set amount.

Mental Focus

Standing Meditation: Stand with feet parallel with each other and inline with shoulders.  The whole body needs to be relaxed, shoulders down, and legs need a 15o bend.  Stand for a set amount of time (in minutes).